Your child may need hearing tests in Lancaster if you notice that he sometimes mishearsyou or do not seem to react when you speak to him. This can be a minor problembut should be rectified as soon as possible. Hearing problems can affect thechild’s ability to learn and will impact badly on their self confidence. Ifthey cannot hear and carryout instructions at school they will suffer with lowmarks and may struggle. Once a diagnosis has been made the problem can beeasily solved. Older people also experience hearing problems but theirdifficulty is usually with natural age related degeneration. The symptoms aresimilar in that they may not react when spoken to and may need the radio ortelevision volume higher than normal.
One of the easiest ways of determininghearing loss in Lancaster, hearing tests are painless and relatively quick.They are conducted by our highly qualified audiologist and state of the artmachines. Most people will experience a certain amount of hearing loss as theyage and this is caused by wear and tear of the cochlea which is a naturalprocess. It will affect more than half the people over 70 years of age butluckily this type of hearing problem can usually be easily remedied. There area number of hearing systems that can bring your hearing back to a normal levelonce the problem has been correctly identified.
We offer hearing tests in Lancaster andwill ensure careful examination of your hearing problems. Contact TailoredHearing Solutions today to make an appointment for an examination which couldchange your life for the better. We are a family owned, independent hearingcare provider that thrives on providing the highest standard of clinicalexpertise and customer care. We understand the impact that hearing loss canhave on day to day life and we will take the time to fully assess andunderstand your personal hearing requirements. We work out of our state of theart hearing centre that is fully equipped with a consultation room thatincludes a purpose built soundproof booth.