There are many causes of hearing loss which can behelped by fitting hearing aids inLancaster. One of the most commoncauses is age related where time and wear on the cochlea causes diminishedhearing ability and there is no solution to this particular condition otherthan a hearing aid. Each device is individually selected by the audiologist tobest suit a person both for the comfort of the fit and the efficiency of themachine. It is a difficult situation when hearing gradually diminishes as mostpeople do not notice it until it is a problem. It will possibly begin with thetelevision sound becoming slightly fainter. This is easily remedied by turningup the sound. The telephone will be altogether more difficult as it does nothave sound control.
Most sound amplifying devices work by collectingsound energy and directing it into the ear canal. In Lancaster, hearing aidsare modern instruments with computerised electroacoustic systems that transformenvironmental sound to make it audible. It is estimated that around 10 millionpeople in the UK experience some form of hearing loss and many of these willneed assistance to hear properly again. Besides aging there are other causeslike prolonged exposure to loud noise, genetics and ear canal wax impaction.The wax impaction can be physically removed by a specialist audiologist anddoes not usually require a hearing aid device.
Our practicespecialises in all types of hearing aids in Lancaster. Contact Tailored HearingSolutions today and book an appointment to have your ears checked and yourhearing assessed. We have specialist and highly qualified audiologists. Weprovide hearing solutions that are more powerful, precise and user-friendlythan ever before. Our state of the art hearing aids ensure that patientsreceive unmatched technology and tailor made solutions to their hearingproblems. You will find that the initial appointment takes a while longer thanexpected as we take time to examine all aspects of your hearing including aphysical check of your ears and a hearing test to determine the best solutionand way forward to improve your hearing.