For ear wax removal in Aughton, don’thesitate to pay us a visit at Tailored Hearing Centre. We know that ear waxbuild-up can be quite uncomfortable and cause itchiness and irritation. And eventhough it’s not recommended at all to use cotton buds in the ear canal, a lotof people are guilty of doing this. Using a cotton bud to ‘clean’ the ear willpush wax further inside the ear and may cause blockages that will require theassistance of a professional doctor to remove. Fortunately, with the technologicaladvances in the medical field, it’s now a lot easier to remove wax build-up.
Our doctors use a method called micro-suction toremove any types of blockages and wax from the ears. In Aughton, ear waxremoval is a delicate and sensitive operation. It’s important notto hurt the ear canal or the ear drum. Thus, we use the most effective waxremoval technique for a safer and quicker process. With this new technique, ittakes just a couple of minutes to remove any blockages, plus, they areguaranteed to work, unlike traditional and conventional methods that requirethe wax to be softened with drops first. It’s also affordable and easy at just £40 one ear, and £60 for two. As a family business thatthrives on offering the best hearing solutions to patients, we are always hereto provide you with a stellar experience, suited to your needs andrequirements. We will start by carrying out ear tests, but generally, an earwax build-up will present itself with impaired hearing, ear pains, dizziness, ora full sensation in the ear or a ringing.
Patients requiring ear wax removal in Aughton should not try to remove it at home.It’s always best to leave the removal process to trained and qualified doctors.To book a consultation with Tailored Hearing Solutions, contact us today. Wemake use of state-of-the-art equipment to offer the best tailored solutions toour patients and improve their quality of life.